webscience team


WebScience announces 40% increase in workforce and aims to become the best Italian Agile Digital Factory

Press release May 17, 2023


May 17, 2023, Milano

WebScience, the Italian Agile Digital Factory focused on tailor-made digital applications, application modernisation and migration to the cloud, announces a new plan to increase its workforce, estimated up to +40% in 2023, aimed at supporting the growth of its activities on the Italian market. 

WebScience, thanks to significant development in recent years, now has 110 employees, a number 32% higher than in 2021, with an average age of 35. It recently became part of adesso SE, one of Europe's leading IT services groups, present in 14 countries with more than 8,500 employees, particularly committed to the care and development of employees. WebScience aims to become the multinational group's development platform in Italy and will officially be called adesso Italy from 1° January 2024.


Within the framework of its people development culture and in line with the Group's strategies, WebScience has decided to increasingly strengthen the initiatives dedicated to its employees, taking care of their growth in terms of skills and professionalism thanks to a dedicated team, the "People Care" team, whose objective is to enhance WebScience's talents and attract new ones. The team includes dedicated leaders, organised by competence centres, who define and implement actions aimed at the growth and development of the people in their centre. There are also staff roles that support the work of the leaders: the Chief Innovation Officer, the Chief Technology Officer, the HR Manager, the Agile Leader, the Finance Manager and the Allocation Manager. 

Sonia Maccioni, leader of People Care, says: '"Digital with Values" is the purpose that emerged from our colleagues: to create value for the business and for people. To achieve this, we act on these main areas: enhancing relationships, training and professional development, collaborative leadership, feedback and continuous learning. For us, these are not simply HR activities, but are the basis for supporting a new era, so that WebScience can become the best Italian Agile Digital Factory. All the more so today, with our entry into the group adesso'.


For WebScience, corporate well-being and, consequently, the work-life balance of employees, is a cornerstone of the People Care programme. This is why the company promotes flexible work, allowing employees to organise their work in a way that also meets their personal needs, enabling them to work in an environment that better suits their preferences and working styles and increasing their motivation and productivity. Presence is especially valued within the company's periodic events and sharing moments, to develop relationships and weak links between people, those that cannot be fully cultivated by working remotely on projects.


One of the priorities is skills development, which is fundamental for the solidity and growth of the organisation itself and for creating value for our customers: WebScience invests in ongoing training for all levels of seniority. It is possible to design training courses on topics ranging from Agile fundamentals to coaching and facilitation techniques to new technologies. WebScience was founded in 2000 by a group of professors from the Politecnico di Milano and its academic background continues to be reflected in its ever-increasing focus on the development of state-of-the-art skills.  

With the acquisition by adesso, WebScience will further complement its people development plan with the rich training opportunities and numerous leadership courses that adesso offer. The group adesso offers a training catalogue with over 3,000 courses ranging from basic technological and methodological knowledge to specialised industry knowledge, software solutions and project management. Among the courses offered are also those aimed at improving soft skills in a targeted manner.


Recently, managers and C-levels have been working for more than a year together with certified coaches to develop soft skills such as feedback and active listening. In fact, WebScience promotes a collaborative leadership model, believing that leaders who possess both strategic vision and the ability to engage know how to value and empower all the people in their teams, inspiring them and helping them achieve a common end goal. Thanks to this mindset, the company aims to make the most of all employees' talents, allowing them to take on multiple roles, in different areas and levels, to develop more and more know-how.


At WebScience, development and growth paths are customised according to people's needs and interests thanks to a quarterly feedback process, a valuable tool for agile organisations at all levels.  
For WebScience, the feedback tool is a concrete response to the need for valuing people, improving skills and innovation, and a useful exchange for improving communication, highlighting mutual strengths and weaknesses, facilitating collaboration and providing a different perspective on each person's work.


Thanks to the union with the group adesso, a new era is beginning for WebScience. The company's goal is now to stand out in the Italian market as a reference point for large Italian companies that want to face the most current and complex challenges required by digital transformation

This is why WebScience is constantly looking for people with agile skills, which are essential for the company as they enable it to develop innovative products and services, continuously improve business processes and remain competitive in a constantly evolving market. People who know how to collaborate and communicate effectively, who have a strong desire to learn continuously, who want to get involved. People who want to live in a company that promotes self-organisation, innovative forms of work, that encourages everyone to take responsibility. People who seek a meaningful response in their work, who want to fulfil themselves professionally and humanly. It is not the right place for people who are chasing a traditional career in obsolete hierarchies built on 'command and control' relationships. 

The group adesso was recently named 'Best Employer Germany' and 'Best Employer ICT': synonymous with credible, respectful and fair relationships between companies and their employees and a high level of commitment to creating a work culture characterised by trust and team spirit. As WebScience, we are proud to be part of a group that is so attentive to people's well-being and in synergy with our values. adesso's successes for us represent new goals to be achieved, with the awareness of starting from the solid base of our purpose and values, built with the contribution of each person.